Minitab Connect Software Updates
Minitab provides free software updates that deliver the highest level of performance and quality available.
- New Features & Enhancements
- Full Update Notes
Minitab Connect 7 Features & Enhancements
Minitab Connect 7.10.2 introduces new authentication mechanisms for the Rest API connector, along with Minitab Connect API Documentation. This release also includes important bug fixes, security updates, and connector enhancements.
Enhancement: API Documentation
User Benefit:
Use the new API Documentation to view and test commonly used Minitab Connect API endpoints that you can integrate within other external systems.
Minitab Connect has always been positioned as an integration resource for bringing data into the Minitab ecosystem. With our newly added API Documentation, we are making it easier for organizations to leverage their Minitab Connect subscription information within other external systems and processes.

Minitab Connect 7.10 introduces a new navigational taskpane that allows users to quickly navigate to recently accessed items within the subscription. This release also includes important bug fixes, security updates, connector enhancements, and performance improvements.
Feature Addition: Recently Accessed Taskpane
User Benefit:
Use the new Recent taskpane to view and navigate a list of the most recent items you opened in Minitab Connect. When you select one of the items in the Recent taskpane, you can navigate directly to the corresponding item either in the current browser tab or a new browser tab.
In the previous 7.9 Minitab Connect release, we implemented the functionality to navigate to any page with a direct URL. We expanded on this functionality with more browser-based interactions, such as “open in a new tab” and the new Recent taskpane.

Minitab Connect 7.9 provides a better browser experience when navigating across different tools (tables, dashboards, and forms) in the subscription. This release also includes important bug fixes, security updates, connector enhancements, and performance improvements.
Feature Addition: Product Navigation Enhancements
User Benefit:
Use the new product navigation to easily jump forwards/backwards using your browser’s navigational buttons. Additionally, you can now duplicate browser tabs and share direct links with other users who are licensed within your subscription. When you navigate to one of the new links via the browser’s address bar, you will go directly to the corresponding tool. Previously, you would go to Minitab Connect’s home screen.
This feature’s primary goal is to make navigation, sharing, and collaboration even easier for all user types, without interrupting the current user experience. As we begin to reshape how we deliver our tools to different user personas, having a global framework for routing to all these different tools within the subscription was a crucial first step.

Minitab Connect 7.8.2 provides new additions to dashboard visualizations, allowing for the creation of Interval Plots, Stacked Area Graphs, Matrix Plots and Tabulated Statistics. This release also includes important bug fixes, security updates, and connector enhancements.
Feature Addition: Interval Plot
User Benefit:
Use Interval Plot to assess and compare confidence intervals of the means of groups. An interval plot shows a 95% confidence interval for the mean of each group. An interval plot works best when the sample size is at least 10 for each group. Usually, the larger the sample size, the smaller and more precise the confidence interval.
You can now use the Graph Builder to create Interval Plots on Minitab Connect Dashboards.

Feature Addition: Stacked Area Graph
User Benefit:
Use Stacked Area Graph to plot the cumulative sum of groups in time order and evaluate how each group contributes to the whole.
You can now use the Graph Builder to create Stacked Area Graphs on Minitab Connect Dashboards.

Feature Addition: Matrix Plot
User Benefit:
Use Matrix Plot to assess the relationships between several pairs of variables at once. A matrix plot is an array of scatterplots.
You can now use the Graph Builder to create Matrix Plots on Minitab Connect Dashboards.

Feature Addition: Tabulated Statistics
User Benefit:
Use Tabulated Statistics when you have data that are categorized by one or more categorical variables. You can determine various statistics for combinations of categories across two or more categorical variables.
You can now use the Graph Builder to create Tabulated Statistics on Minitab Connect Dashboards.

Minitab Connect 7.8.1 provides new additions to dashboard visualizations, allowing for the creation of Pareto Charts and Line Plots. This release also includes important bug fixes, security updates, and connector enhancements.
Feature Addition: Pareto Chart
User Benefit:
Use Pareto Chart to identify the most frequent defects, the most common causes of defects, or the most frequent causes of customer complaints. Pareto charts can help to focus improvement efforts on areas where the largest gains can be made.
You can now use the Graph Builder to create Pareto Charts on Minitab Connect Dashboards.

Feature Addition: Line Plot
User Benefit:
Use Line Plot to compare response patterns of a function or a series. You can create a line plot with symbols or without symbols, depending on the number of groups and length of series that you want to compare.
You can now use the Graph Builder to create Line Plots on Minitab Connect Dashboards.

Minitab Connect 7.8 provides an enhancement to dashboard alerts, allowing for customized email and SMS recipients. This release also includes important bug fixes, security updates, and connector enhancements.
Feature Enhancement: Alert Enhancements
User Benefit
Add and remove custom emails and phone numbers on alerts.
You can now use a dropdown list to select a user to add their email or phone number to the alert. If an email or phone number is not already in the list, you can easily add it. An autocomplete component narrows the list as you type the name of a user.

Minitab Connect 7.7 provides a new way to integrate into external systems using API requests. This release also includes important bug fixes, security updates, new connector types and enhancements, and performance improvements.
Feature Addition: Call URL
User Benefit
Use the Call URL feature to make an API request. For example, you could power down a machine, alert an internal or external group, or log additional information.
This feature is available in two locations in Connect. You create a new process in a flow that calls a URL or you can specify an alarm to call a URL. You can only call a website that begins with https://, and you cannot make more than 200 calls per hour or 1000 calls per day. This feature is only available for Developer users.

Minitab Connect 7.5 provides a variety of additional dashboarding enhancements. The enhancements include new control charts, slicer interactions, important bug fixes, connector updates, and interface modifications.
Feature Addition: I Chart and Laney P’ Chart
User Benefit
The Individuals chart improves readability of individual type data that was previously only available using an I-MR Chart. The Laney P’ chart allows users to create attributes charts that adjust for overdispersion or underdispersion.
Use an Individuals chart (I chart), to monitor the mean of your process when you have continuous data that are individual observations that are not in subgroups. Use this control chart to monitor process stability over time so that you can identify and correct instabilities in a process.
Use a Laney P' chart to monitor the proportion of defective items that are produced by your process and to adjust for overdispersion or underdispersion in your data. Overdispersion can cause a traditional P chart to show an increased number of points outside the control limits. Underdispersion can cause a traditional P chart to show too few points outside of the control limits. The Laney P' chart adjusts for these conditions. For more information, go to Overdispersion and underdispersion.

Feature Addition: Control Chart Stages
User Benefit
Stages allow users to display multiple process changes over specific periods of time on a single control chart.
Use stages to create a historical control chart that shows how a process changes over specific periods of time. Stages make it easy to communicate process changes and shifts in process behavior within a single visualization. By default, control charts recalculate the center line and control limits for each stage.

Minitab Connect 7.4.5 provides a few bug fixes and an important update to control chart alerts.
Feature Addition: Control Chart Alert Rework
User Benefit
This rework addresses the use case where users add new data or modify existing data in the Minitab Connect System. Users now receive alerts on control charts for any points they add or modify after they update the data.
Previously, when users modified or added new data, they received alerts only based on the last point in the control chart. We identified that this was a serious issue for customers who were pushing batches of data, as they did not receive alerts for all of their data. This rework ensures that users receive alerts for all new and modified data points to raise awareness about potential problems.

Minitab Connect 7 Full Update Notes
Release Date: 26 March 2025
New Features in Minitab Connect 7.10.2
- RestAPI Auth – JWT Bearer
- This feature enables users to securely authenticate API requests by generating and adding JWT tokens using the Connect Rest API Connector. Users can select one of three encryption methods: HS, RS, or ES, for enhanced security and flexibility.
- API Documentation
- Use the new API Documentation to view and test commonly used Minitab Connect API endpoints that can be integrated within other external systems.
- Minitab Connect has always been positioned as an integration resource for bringing data into the Minitab ecosystem. With the newly added API Documentation, we are making it easier for organizations to leverage their Minitab Connect subscription information within other external systems and processes.
Problems Resolved in Minitab Connect 7.10.2
The following issues are resolved in Minitab Connect 7.10.2
- Dashboard viewers profile doesn't match normal profiles. (187678)
- Facebook Lead Ads: PHP deprecated notice if loading Oauth link in a new tab. (256140)
- Couchbase: export to new collection always export to _default collection. (261500)
- Facebook: page/post insight data are pulling duplicates and column headers. (272803)
- Fix implemented to MongoDB connection table filter. (279390)
- HBase connector: better UI handling with timestamp selections. (280269)
Bugs Fixed with 2025-02/26 (7.10.1)
- 7.10.1 HotFix – Connector patches. (279069)
Dashboard bugs
- Category dropdown not listed when category slicer variable is initially set. (271594)
Release Date: 24 February 2025
Maintenance Items in Minitab Connect 7.10.1
- Better handling killed Data Process in Database Status
- Killing jobs has been improved so that any outstanding database operations are terminated when a job is killed
- Deprecated connectors:
- GotoWebinar
- Constant Contact
Problems Resolved in Minitab Connect 7.10.1
The following issues are resolved in Minitab Connect 7.10.1
- Remove certain import options for Snowflake Connector. (185191)
- Box Connector: better error handling with expired connection. (274861)
- Box Connector: unable to pull files in a folder using File Pattern. (276276)
- Snowflake Connector: remove duplicated SQL statement in table setup step. (276993)
- Snowflake import/export issues with external stage. (277922)
- Fix Snowflake Connector export issue with unsupported file types in stage. (277577)
- Adding support with multiple filters for Snowflake Connector. (277443)
- Google BigQuery Connector: fix pagination issues when pulling large data. (277148)
- Fix toast message with long API calls with table saving. (267347)
- Better go backwards support for Dashboard with table assets. (270802)
- Browser navigation no longer works between dashboard Edit and Present modes. (271175)
- 7.10 Hotfix Could not export via Connection or save user group with specific connections. (276034)
Dashboard bugs
- Disallow images rendering in Dashboard text asset. (275036)
Release Date: 4 February 2025
New Features in Minitab Connect 7.10
- Recently Accessed Taskpane
- There will be a new icon that will be used to access the “Recently Accessed” taskpane.
- The icon replaces the old “Window Switcher” icon in the header bar.
- The list starts out empty but populates as the user navigates to different items (tables, dashboards, forms, etc.). If a user clicks on any of these items they should be routed directly to that item.
Maintenance Items in Minitab Connect 7.10
- Expand Redis Cache Support
- With the initial release of Redis caching, custom SQL was not supported due to complexities
- Utilize a non-deterministic check on the query to be executed to validate whether or not the query can be cached
- PHPSpreadsheet upgrade to 2.3.5
- Deprecate:
- Google Analytics Connector
- TMM Short URL Statistics Connector
- Slack Connector
- Slack data process
Problems Resolved in Minitab Connect 7.10
The following issues are resolved in Minitab Connect 7.10
- 0 record files being thrown as errors. (187580)
- MCI: Data insert dp not processing when MCI set to update records and column names don't match. (187587)
- From/To insert data process not processing when Multi-Column Index on updates and column names do not match.
- Table not updating after custom sql data process. (187590)
- Better Cache support on Custom SQL data process.
- “External" form doesn’t trigger Form submission flow. (187281)
- External form does not trigger Form submission flow.
- Change to Find and Replace in Prep tool to support better performance. (187136)
- Better error handling with Action data process if table has multi-column index set.
- Custom SQL table validation. (186892)
- Facebook Connector: better help text for 'insight date range'. (263215)
- Cannot remove a default view. (259049)
- Could not remove a table’s default view.
- Custom SQL issues with view name contains question mark? (258818)
- Better validation on Custom SQL table creation if missing required fields. (258428)
- Table templates no longer carries over saved views. (258455)
- Connect view alarms not firing for aggregated view that has only one field. (253127)
- Mass Transform triggers Error. (258815)
- "Saved SQL" dropdown has no default selection after deleting a saved SQL entry. (251496)
- Better UI support for SAVE SQL dialog in SQL Editor.
- Changes to User Group Permissions. (259159)
- Keyboard enter will only insert Null values if table only has single column. (251640)
- Export to a TAB file format fails with a 400 error. (272220)
- MySQL w/o Data Gateway: username/password not loading when stepping through the connection. (273343)
- Smartsheet: resave a connection makes the Oauth invalid. (271644)
- PGSQL: some filters are not parsing correctly. (271459)
- PostgreSQL Connector: some filters are not parsing correctly.
- Tiny typo 'specfic' in AWS S3 help text. (269680)
- Better help text support in AWS S3 Connector.
- SmartSheet: tiny typo in connection expiration message. (271642)
- Smartsheet: fix minor typographical error.
- PHP Deprecate notice with SourceInterface endpoint if using view_GUID (274098)
- Adding support with View GUID in Save External Web URL.
Dashboard bugs
- Full text of long page names should be displayed in tooltips. (271365)
Release Date: 11 December 2024
Maintenance Items in Minitab Connect 7.9.2
- Page Selector
- Introduced a new control allowing for dashboard viewers to navigate to alternate pages.
- Rest API
- Introduced a new authentication method ensuring API keys/tokens formatting.
- Performance Enhancements
- Optimizations done to the way subscriptions return prepared data after the initial transformations have been rendered at least once.
Known Problems and Workarounds
Item 1
When using the Safari internet browser in combination with having the “Monitor User” role, your session may be logged out unexpectedly. (229698)
WORKAROUND: Use the Chrome or Edge internet browsers with this role.
Item 2
When in Preview Mode if there is one categorical slicer on the dashboard with a very high number of levels, any other categorical slicer will not be able to open the dropdown menu until a selection is made on the first slicer.
WORKAROUND: Set a preset in Edit Mode before entering Preview Mode. In this case, all options will still be present on the right-side options pane before entering Preview Mode.
Item 3
Occasionally on larger Dashboards with many Views, some of the Views may not load in correctly when opening the Dashboard or during an Auto-Update. New Assets cannot be created using those Views and any Assets associated with them cannot be edited.
WORKAROUND: Open the View in Connect and re-save it (No changes are needed). After that either close and reopen the Dashboard or enable Auto-Update.
Item 4
Authentication issues when accessing a dashboard with a User’s personal API Key. Dashboards leveraging the newest dashboarding experience, by default, utilize restricted tokens when generating links for sharing.
WORKAROUND: Utilize a restricted token when sharing a Minitab Connect Dashboard. Restricted tokens can be created for legacy dashboarding experiences using the “Key(s)” tab when navigating the dashboard within the Minitab Connect interface.
Problems Resolved in Minitab Connect 7.9.2
The following issues are resolved in Minitab Connect 7.9.2
- Better UI behavior for multi select input (187386)
- Unable to trigger the Custom Field type triggers under certain conditions (187526)
- Better UI behavior on saving MFI with data duplication (253293)
- Resolved various typographical errors in connector export panel (170769)
- Fixed parsing issue with the filter in MySQL connectors (267304)
- Unable to add body and attachment through export via Gmail connectors (267733)
- Default the import format to “Email Only, Ignore Attachments” when setting up Gmail connectors (267952)
- Not able to add new Live Analytics in Connect when worksheet failure occurs (187483)
- Better support importing data to tables with Multi-Column Index through a from/to flow (268424)
- Unable to create a MySQL/MsSQL/Redshift/Postgres connector table through “skip to SQL” (268582)
- Survey Monkey connector record limitation fix (268829)
Release Date: 30 October 2024
Maintenance Items in Minitab Connect 7.9.1
- Visual Updates to Dashboards
- Data pane: the 'Select'/'Add' button (Add a data set) has been replaced with a '+' button.
- Change “Preview” button to “Present”.
- Updated styling for Dashboard notification.
- Session Management
- Improved handling of Session Management. When a user’s inactivity duration has exceeded the subscription’s session timeout configuration, we will present the user with a “Lock Screen” that will inform the user of being timed out due to inactivity.
- Azure Blob Storage update
- The update will include the ability to authenticate with an Account key. It will also include the ability to import data from Azure Blob Storage.
- Deprecate Google Display & Video 360 Connector.
- Deprecate Google Search Ads 360 Connector.
- Add icon support for Reddit and Pinterest connectors.
Problems Resolved in Minitab Connect 7.9.1
The following issues are resolved in Minitab Connect 7.9.1
- Could not drag to reorder data process rule (187393)
- Issue opening Connect view via the MSS web app (187439)
- Better handling Save as Export with file directories (186799)
- Better support REGEX matching in Action data process (186814)
- Unable to save tables with Box / Google Drive connectors if source file is not in root directory (186884)
- Unable to resave Outlook / Gmail connector tables (187151)
- Conditional Formatting not allowing more than one filter group (187156)
- Connection refresh flow job name is Null for Google Big Query (219088)
- OneDrive Connector Export: OneNote files are recognized as folders (251499)
- Google Drive Connector: change to import options (260979)
- OneDrive Connector: change to import options (264816)
- Connection table advanced tab: unable to display values for certain triggers (264020)
- Google Drive: error if set 'Yes' to delete source file (264973)
- OneDrive: Better error handling if source file is deleted on connection refresh (264999)
- Google Drive: File Pattern is not working when refreshing the flow (265158)
- OneDrive: provide UI warning in final setup step if source file is deleted (265272)
- Correct naming of Google Sheets Connector, formally Google Sheet (265771)
- 'Last Updated' field A11Y keyboard navigation issues (210895)
- Better support Dashboard Canvas size dimensions (259116)
- When dropdown menu is open, focus should be set to the first item in the menu (262400)
Release Date: 25 September 2024
New Features in Minitab Connect 7.9
- Product Navigation Enhancement
- Use the new product navigation to easily jump forwards/backwards using your browser’s navigational buttons. Additionally, you can now duplicate browser tabs and share direct links with other users who are licensed within your subscription. When you navigate to one of the new links via the browser’s address bar, you will go directly to the corresponding tool. Previously, you would go to Minitab Connect’s home screen.
Maintenance Items in Minitab Connect 7.9
- Dashboard UI Alterations
- The “Pages” Taskpane has been renamed to “Navigator” and has been given a new icon to match a similar taskpane available in Minitab Statistical Software.
- The Navigator is now the first option within the Dashboard’s Rail
- The Navigator now has a “+” icon to easily add new pages.
- The Context Menu for Pages now reads “Make a copy” instead of “Duplicate page”
- The “Data” Taskpane’s “Add” button tooltip now says “Add a data set”
- Twitter Connector
- Import proper Tweet IDs when selecting the ‘Promoted Tweet Analytics’ endpoint
- Import Campaign IDs when selecting the ‘Ad Group (Line Item) Analytics’ endpoint
- Sunsetting the following connectors:
- AppFigures
- Marchex
- New Relic
- ObservePoint
- Webtrends
- CircleBack
- Gigya
- Google Streak
- Intercom
- Mandrill
- Meltwater
- ServiceNow Incident Management Module
- Synthio
- Vigorate
- Audience Manager Data Feed
- Dibs – Easy
- Klarna
- Outbrain
- Stripe
- Ytel
- Brightcove
- Kaltura
- Social Studio
- Sprinklr
- Provided additional support for the following connectors:
- Hive
- Couchbase
- Hbase
- Redshift
- Mailgun
- Terradata
Problems Resolved in Minitab Connect 7.9
The following issues are resolved in Minitab Connect 7.9
- Improved Email/SMS rate limit (187356)
- Snowflake connector erroring (187347)
- System datetime issue with from/to data process if target table has multi-column indexes (187349)
- Connect Auto-import creates an unintended text field when the data includes a value of 0 (255400)
- Table error in Prep if original table has field name changed in base (256643)
- Resolved various typographical errors in system notifications in notes panel (259872)
- Cannot add 'Raw to Clean Mapping' item into a collection (174896)
- SPC tool is not responsive with open/close of the left pane (181148)
- Errors when running a SPC chart which is saved without validation (227688)
- Adding Raw To Clean to an existing Collection makes Collections unusable (228661)
- ‘Note This’ does not provide a default message when noting a Field (228819)
- Item nested path in breadcrumb does not display as expected when truncated (231752)
- Reset Visualize tool giving 'No Record(s)' message rather than 'Configure Visual' (242125)
- Adding a File Import Locations to Collection creates an invalid item in the UI (253055)
- Add new table interface shows up as connection table Base in certain scenario (258277)
- Raw To Clean Mapping not functioning properly for 'All' tables (258420)
- Missing SQL editor modal in Custom Field Type action trigger (211884)
- Running a visual from Nav Menu then navigate to SPC tool, page keeps spinning (229282)
- Images through URL not always displayed initially until save and reopen (after replacing bad URL with good URL) (205667)
- The same image will not be displayed until another image or asset card is added (205008)
Release Date: 29 August 2024
New Features in Minitab Connect 7.8.2
- Salesforce Connector
- Add support for using personal Salesforce application credentials for OAuth.
- Add support for different types of exports (upsert, insert, update, delete, GCIS).
- Add support to choose between Single or Batch exports to Salesforce.
- Add ability to choose between using Salesforce Production or Testing environment.
- Dynamics Connector
- Add the ability to perform Insert or Update exports to Dynamics.
- Add the ability to choose to import raw data values instead of OData formatted values during import.
- Stacked Area Graph
- Users can now create Stacked Area Graphs within Minitab Connect Dashboards.
- Interval Plot
- Users can now create Interval Plots within Minitab Connect Dashboards.
- Matrix Plot
- Users can now create Matrix Plots within Minitab Connect Dashboards.
- Tabulated Statistics
- Users can now create Tabulated Statistics within Minitab Connect Dashboards.
Maintenance Items in Minitab Connect 7.8.2
- FileImporter Locations> Emails not working as expected – deprecated.
- Users can no longer use the inbox of an email address to import files as it was causing other Fileimporter location items to not work after the email item.
- Users can no longer use the inbox of an email address to import files as it was causing other Fileimporter location items to not work after the email item.
Problems Resolved in Minitab Connect 7.8.2
The following issues are resolved in Minitab Connect 7.8.2
- Mashup tables not loading after changing to a new view or table (187314)
- Ensuring Slicers are loaded correctly on Dashboards, resolving cache (187316)
- SharePoint connector connectivity improvement (187292)
- OneDrive connector: help text updates (204779)
- Prep tool scrolling down error (255761)
- Connect password reset link spinning issue (255843)
- Help text cropped issue and typo in SharePoint Step 6 (255943)
- Improved handling for percent field (256039)
- Handling of errors when sharing a public/external V2 Dashboard (213369)
Release Date: 31 July 2024
New Features in Minitab Connect 7.8.1
- Pareto Chart
- Users can now create Pareto Charts within Minitab Connect Dashboards.
- Line Plot
- Users can now create Line Plots within Minitab Connect Dashboards.
Maintenance Items in Minitab Connect 7.8.1
Zoom Connector deprecated.
- Subscription level rate limits for emails/alerts:
- Once limit is hit, alerts will no longer send emails, but gracefully continue.
- Updating the API Key expiration alert:
- Updating the API Key expiration alert to also contain information about the customer subscription. This information should include the following about the Minitab Connect subscription:
- Minitab Connect Subscription Name.
- Minitab Connect Subscription ID.
- For Real-Time SPC subscriptions, we will still email with the branding from "Minitab Connect" however, the subscription name and subscription ID should be reflective of the Real-Time SPC subscription information.
- Updating the API Key expiration alert to also contain information about the customer subscription. This information should include the following about the Minitab Connect subscription:
Problems Resolved in Minitab Connect 7.8.1
The following issues are resolved in Minitab Connect 7.8.1
- Custom ID Fields should be correctly handled and generated (187199)
- Vertical Split View should display table views vertically (187161)
- Outlook Connector Issues (187231)
- Linked dropdowns not working with form validation (187217)
- Enhancement to enable deletion of dashboards created by Users removed from Connect (187168)
- Enhanced validation for 'Edit as Text' (227404)
- Enhanced validation for copying records (227409)
- Improved handling for creation of field names via API requests (229353)
- Vertical Mashup Table’s Unique Records Option should not contain duplicates (250479)
- Enhanced validation to prevent removal of System Index Fields in Base Tool (251301)
- Font in Setup (Step 2) of YouTube Analytics Connector is too large (UI enhancement) (180430)
- Ordering of Table columns retrieved from MsSQL connection should not default to ascending alphabetical order (196193)
- Error handling improvement for Excel Connector’s Setup (Step 5) (251358)
- Box Connector’s authentication should remain valid after user recreates a Table (251359)
- Error handling improvement for Google Ads Connector when mistakenly using expired connections (251467)
- I18N enhancement to enable creation of graphs and use of categorical slicers with variables containing Chinese characters (209807
Release Date: 27 June 2024
New Features in Minitab Connect 7.8
- Dashboard Alerting Enhancements
- You can now use a dropdown list to select a user to add their email or phone number to the alert. If an email or phone number is not already in the list, you can easily add it. An autocomplete component narrows the list as you type the name of a user.
Problems Resolved in Minitab Connect 7.8
The following issues are resolved in Minitab Connect 7.8
- Table/Form assets occasionally will not render on dashboards (187143)
- Issue when running multiple connection refreshes consecutively in the same flow (187079)
- Restricted characters in field names should not be created in pivot view (245786)
- Copy a record: Improved error handling (247813)
- Fields value get switched in save external web URL for integer field name (247817)
- Email Inline Attachment export: Improved validation and error handling (229218)
- Email body should support multiple lines of text (207089)
- Dashboard Alerts: Reference line operator and value are sometimes missing in alert messages when first turned on (212258)
- Phone number updated in Account Settings is not always automatically updated in saved dashboard alerts (226200)
- Reference line alerts are no longer available once linked data view is removed from dashboard (242780)
- Alerts linked to blank asset with data view removed can no longer be updated and saved (242842)
- Alerts with reference lines are not deduped on first save unless there are other changes on the dashboard (247624)
Release Date: 29 May 2024
Maintenance Items in Minitab Connect 7.7.3
- Twitter Connector
- Re-enable Twitter connector with the ability to access the Twitter Ads API
- Users will now have to register their own developer app with Twitter, and enter in their app’s credentials to use the connector
- Pinterest Connector
- Imports ‘Date’ field for analytics endpoints
- Imports name information when IDs are present for campaigns, ad groups and ad data sets
- Fixes error when attempting to pull data from an advertiser account with no data
- OneDrive Connector
- Fixed bug that wouldn’t allow the OneDrive folder to pull files from to be updated after initial table creation
- Added the ability to change the number of files to request from OneDrive
- Added the ability to enter the maximum number of files to import into Connect from OneDrive
- OSIPI Connector
- Connector will now error when using the API Gateway and the connector does not retrieve results when requesting the list of available servers
- Added the ability to enter in an interval parameter for interpolated values in the OSIsoft PI Asset Framework
- Snowflake Connector
- Fixed bug that wouldn’t allow the user to select a key field when choosing “Skip to SQL” functionality
- API Key Expiration Alerts
- This will inform users using API Keys, 7 days before their keys expire, that their keys are expiring soon via Email and In-App Notifications.
- Update Splash Screen Logo
- When loading the application, the product branding image was changed
- Google Ads Connector update to v 16
- Upgrading Google Ads Connector from v14 to v16
- S3 Connector
- Add support for inserting meta data headers from CSV file into a column during import.
Problems Resolved in Minitab Connect 7.7.3
The following issues are resolved in Minitab Connect 7.7.3.
- Address loading performance issue of Notifications after filtering (185280)
- Right Click on some text fields and select "Show Data" rounds the value if it is all numerical (185639)
- Field with certain characters does not allow the field to be added to conditional formatting (186153)
- Null filter breaks conditional formatting AND changes the fields the data are in (186457)
- Hiding the fields from the view breaks all the conditional formatting rules (186902)
- Save External Copy triggers error with multi-dropdown fields (187021)
- Better handling access type dropdown when creating user roles (186956)
- Hidden field with default value is ignored on paste or file insert on forms (186837)
- Conditional Formatting not always applied on web export with certain field types for filters (186876)
- Better handling sessions with API calls in multiple tabs of the browser (186921)
- Mashup table creation fails with certain characters in view and field names (186886)
- Sanitize Data Gateway username on creation (187014)
- License Portal update resets default tools in customer settings unexpectedly (187023)
- 'Timeout Error' with ComputeService (186986)
- Select a Data View action does not always work as expected for tables with large number of data views (186364)
- Form submission does not always record the correct user information (186289)
- Alerts may not appear in Manage Alerts dialog after saving dashboard (187016)
- Duplicate alerts can be saved (187004)
- KPI asset unexpectedly rounding on sums (187042)
- Some existing Analysis could not be updated even with data changes (187095)
- OneDrive connector doesn't fetch more than 200 filenames (186928)
- OneDrive Connector doesn't update folder after initial table creation (186978)
- Snowflake Connector: Cannot use Key Field when using skip to SQL option (187009)
- Connector: OSI PI Connector returning "Error-No data servers available" (187052)
- Pinterest Connector throwing warning causing the connection to fail (187074)
- OneDrive Connector sometimes throwing warning on last setup step (242463)
- Google Ads: adding better validation in account list (247071)
- Google Ads: better handling cancelled accounts in account list (247094)
- Remove ‘Limit list / Edit list’ options from right click menu for Custom SQL fields in Prep Tool (174275)
- Remove ‘Limit list / Edit list’ options from right click menu for system fields in Prep Tool (185067)
- Copy a record issue with column name contains double quote(s) (178368)
- Remove extra double quotes in table’s default SQL modal (221271)
- Adding better validation to Prep Tool’s user entered pagination (221761)
- Save External Web URL in Prep tool does not load for view that has field name as integer (222302)
- Records not mapping correctly in Prep Edit modal if field name is integer (222307)
- Adding better validation on Field Types: Trigger modal in Flow Tool (228594)
- Notes panel Type dropdown causes flickering (231933)
- Renaming fields in Prep sometimes deletes the trailing whitespace as you type (233915)
- Prep spinning issue if accidentally input large pagination number (234675)
- Better handling of certain special characters in field names when using Prep filters (238905)
- Prevent Limit List modal’s background element from scrolling (239242)
- 'Find and Replace', 'Prepare', and 'Edit List' functions do NOT work on duplicated fields (244955)
- Downloading from Web with current config always downloading the default, not the modified current config (207073)
- Error when saving table if field length is left empty (220316)
- Form HTML element displays as [object] if using saved Snippet (221685)
- Record Audit: Pagination card is offset (230881)
- Adding better email validation in 'New/Edit Alarm' dialog (236187)
- Data not exported properly if user selects MWX file type before running the Web export (241965)
- Multiple Form: Cannot expand field name with certain characters (242054)
- Address config issue for EU workbook for Call URL (242996)
- Improvements to Performance on Select a Data View dialog (232926)
- Improvements to Loading of Data columns in dialogs and related stability issues (234678)
- Enhancements to dashboard performance to load multiple data views efficiently and without disruptions (240558)
- Changing form should populate dialog with active form (197430)
- Renaming a form should update the form name in V2 Dashboard (edit mode’s right pane) (221742)
- Long form name does not always should wrap on right pane (221747)
- Date/Time selector UI element not always aligned in Dashboard Form asset (221787)
- UI improvement to long field name in Form asset to prevent overlapping with input box on dashboards (221793)
- Dashboard Form asset should revert to default state on auto-update if the form has been deleted (229143)
- Form and Table Assets may appear blank on specific Dashboard(s) upon switching subscriptions (244233)
- User should be warned when analyses are deleted (231486)
- User should receive a warning when removing data views linked to alerts (242781)
- User should be able to delete dashboards with no linked data views (242930)
- Boxplot tooltip in Graph Builder dialog is hidden (231247)
- Dates in slicer may change to unique date despite different user inputs (231532)
- Graph Builder dialog behaves unexpectedly when attempting to open empty data views (234022)
- Improved error handling when data views are removed from a deleted table (240684)
- Incorrect error messages appear in assets when data view is empty (243177)
- Asset card flyout button tooltips are hidden (245576)
- Folder list is scrolled midway on initial open in Dashboard Save dialog (245585)
Release Date: 27 March 2024
New Features in Minitab Connect 7.7
- Call URL
- Allows you to make an API request. For example, you could power down a machine, alert an internal or external group, or log additional information.
- SAP DM Connector
- Create a connection between Connect and SAP DM to transfer data back and forth.
Maintenance Items in Minitab Connect 7.7
Improved performance and security
- Oracle Connector
- Add the ability to skip assisted setup and directly enter SQL for imports.
- Pinterest Connector
- Supports importing of ad and ad analytical data (Ads, Ad Groups, Campaigns)
- OneDrive Connector
- The connector now allows the ability to enter in multiple patterns at once by using a delimiter that defaults to a comma but can be changed by the user
Problems Resolved in Minitab Connect 7.7
The following issues are resolved in Minitab Connect 7.7.
- Homepage icons can be dragged as file import (185054)
- Save External > Copy view: cannot add Multi-Column Indexes to new table (186265)
- Better handling of Null values in Visualize tool for categorical charts (186650)
- Better handling MongoDB Connector issue (186792)
- Flow cannot be triggered by Form submission via File Import/Paste Text (197081)
- Name and type fields should be required for creating a new Alarm (213847)
- Refreshing flow twice duplicates it and replaces last flow with the duplicate (219090)
- MWX file export should not support Display/Value pair for a dropdown field (225545)
- User should be appropriately warned when truncating data in Prep tool (225557)
- Better handling file export with filename contains certain characters (225716)
- Scatterplots treat numeric dimension values as a text field (231464)
- Better handling of Alarms message (232320)
- Alarm parameter has multiple backslashes after multiple saves (232984)
- Better handling of Developer role’s access to Alarms (233042)
- Better handling of Tables with Alarms for data updates (233417)
- Saving Alarm multiple times creates multiple Alarms (233475)
- MongoDB Connector: could not save an export with 'Collection' name (235223)
- Improved handling of long column names (227548)
- Date Range Slicer: custom date range incorrectly switches to relative date option if custom date range matches predefined range (229530)
- Slicer filters all data when auto-update in focus mode (229705)
- User inputs in Alert Options dialog could be reverted if auto-update is on and slicer is present (232253)
- Time Series Plots are no longer limiting navigator to first 5k points (235065)
- Dashboard Save button grays out and increased slowness (186915)
- Dashboards no longer contain reference to data views upon opening (186904)
- Data Views no longer connected (186795)
Release Date: 17 January 2024
Maintenance Items in Minitab Connect 7.6.2
Azure BLOB Storage Connector
- Allows for exporting of data from Connect, in the form of files, into Azure Storage Containers via the Azure API using Shared Access Signature (SAS) authentication
Problems Resolved in Minitab Connect 7.6.2
The following issues are resolved in Minitab Connect 7.6.2
- If Empty Prep no longer allows other Fields to be referenced (186747)
- V2 Dashboard - Data Views no longer connected (186795)
- Letters disappearing when renaming fields in prep tool (186736)
- Error when deleting field name via keyboard then renaming something new in Prep (233744)
- No data view size limit check once a data view is added and saved in a dashboard; on autoupdate or reopening dashboard (233280)
Release Date: 6 December 2023
Maintenance Items in Minitab Connect 7.6
Vue3 - Converted Connect to Vue3 in anticipation for the Vue2 End of Life at the end of 2023. This includes updating any relevant packages, removing outdated packages, finding replacements, and creating in-house solutions such as the Minibar.
Problems Resolved in Minitab Connect 7.6
- Is In filter/With this Value not working with certain input (223444)
- Asset titles not updating correctly (217033)
- Importing a data view changes name in Dashboard (219127)
- Changing data view used in dashboard causes dialogs to display only one field (229706)
Release Date: 8 November 2023
Minitab Connect 7.5 provides a variety of additional dashboarding enhancements including new charts and slicer interactions along with important bug fixes, connector updates, and interface modifications.
New Features in Minitab Connect 7.5
- Slicer Enhancements - Can add preset values for slicers that the dashboard uses as the default values for each new session. Previously, the slicer would revert back to the entire range of possible data values for each new session.
- Control Chart Stages - Gives you the ability to add stages. Stages show how a process changes over specific periods of time.
- I Chart - New control chart that lets you monitor the mean of your process when you have continuous data that are individual observations that are not in subgroups.
- Laney P Chart - New control chart that lets you monitor the proportion of defective items that are produced by your process and to adjust for overdispersion or underdispersion in your data.
- Home Screen Updates - Removed the Connections panel from the home screen.
- Disable Failing Flows - Connect disables flows due to 5 successive failures and alerts the owner of the flow.
Maintenance Items in Minitab Connect 7.5
I18N Milestone 1 - Improve support for Non-Ascii characters in identifiers and filenames.
Problems Resolved in Minitab Connect 7.5
- Table header cannot reset properly in Prep (184547)
- Prep view rounds down large numbers (184576)
- Prep occasionally displays Find and Replace Modal instead of Prepare (184931)
- Cannot remove fields if Table is used in From Table Dropdown (186506)
- Default view overwrites link to filtered table (186509)
- Base View Custom SQL Field and Action Data Process throws error (186549)
- SharePoint Connector not parsing files with Chinese/Korean Characters in the file name (186545)
- SharePoint Connector not parsing files with Chinese/Korean Characters in the file name (186545)
- When renaming a dashboard page, the delete key deletes the page rather than the page name text (186431)
- Cannot open existing or create new dashboards after system restart (186547)
- Not able to select both reference lines with duplicated names when creating an alert on a chart (186554)
- Error saving a View with special characters (165149)
- Select Rows menu appears out of place when Notes panel is open (165802)
- Incorrect view SQL when 'Find and Replace' more than one system fields (166891)
- Adding an unsaved item to a collection claims success, but fails (169710)
- Save External>Copy View: Data View not displayed correctly (207179)
- Edit as Text results in an error if View contains a Mashup/SQL field (214008)
- Cannot Copy Records if any fields are hidden in the View (214506)
- Show Totals row sits on top of Prep dropdown menu (215590)
- [message] appears in error notification on Notes (218558)
- Table Save External: Type is marked as required, but not enforced View freezes when saving (219574)
- Filtering using the Regex conditions does not work for Conditional Formats (220179)
- Cannot expand a column with certain inputs (221269)
- Error when adding a default value to a Link field (221328)
- Error occurs for a flow that triggers itself (221760)
- Adding a certain value in the name from Base tool causes an error (221882)
- Cannot export to Minitab if field with a long name is used for sorting (222354)
- Right-clicking on 'Home' or 'Window Switcher' from the navigation menu results in an error (223012)
- Rounding issue with large decimal places (223468)
- Nav menu errors when adding some unsaved items to a Collection (223786)
- Copy a field that has a long name, the original field is removed (224741)
- Forms can display overlapping validation text, obscuring fields (225389)
- Error in Notification Settings modal (225588)
- Notifications settings does not save (226740)
- Error occurs for a data process that triggers itself (227157)
- Analysis Warning message disappears when Auto-Update is enabled (200383)
- Characters in Reference Line can break control chart (212605)
- Capa Asset: one extra tab on topline section with black borders (221247)
- LA warning link does not stay on asset card (221340)
- Reference line label does not handle some characters properly (221422)
- Unintended borders become visible around graph when tabbing on asset (221622)
- NNCAPA: Opening and auto-updating large dashboard times have significantly increased (222057)
- Dashboard does not react gracefully if page/slicer is deleted between refreshes for the Monitor User (224127)
- Alpha value on RGBA scale for reference line is set and cannot be edited (224236)
- Dashboard assets continually load and errors are thrown when control chart is sent into error state (225707)
- Form Data Sources Link leads to spinning page (227691)
- Large number ranges do not always slice correctly in Preview (196616)
- "Missing" can appear twice in the Category Slicers categories list (196620)
- Custom date range start and end date does not reset to upper/lower date values if you've gone into Focus Mode (197425)
- Number range slicers will filter out missing values whenever min = max (201474)
- Filtered output is not always retained when switching pages with auto-update on (203294)
- Number range slicer cannot be edited when the variable contains only missing values (208389)
- Categorical levels that include backticks do not filter table asset (209788)
- Adding a plus sign in front of an exponential number causes the slicer to reset to 0 (210401)
- Custom date range start and end dates revert to default values in the dialog after switching pages and leaving focus mode (211510)
- Using arrow keys in number range slicer min/max input boxes inconsistently updates the number range (211715)
- Interacting with the number range slicer after the data type switches to text causes the table to display no records (212457)
- Number range slicer does not fix itself after removing and replacing data in the data view (212491)
- Text with certain characters cannot be used as a category for category slicers (213290)
- System Created/Updated fields used in category slicers do not slice table if format is non-formatted text in Table-Prep view (213326)
- Users can get stuck in focus mode if all data gets filtered out while auto-updating (216404)
- Slicers should revert to their default state on dashboard auto-update if the data view has been deleted (216574)
- Visualizations double render when auto-updating in Preview and Published mode while using Safari (221038)
- Users cannot open the date slicer dropdown using a keyboard (221277)
- Saved dashboard with date slicer filters out all data after the date column is changed to text (221463)
- Changing the data type of variable used by a category slicer deselects options in the dropdown menu (222271)
- Category slicer filters out all data on graphs if a number field is used and formatted as text in Table-Prep (223378)
- Number range slicers are occasionally being reset after a refresh for Monitor User (223991)
- Date Slicer does not update the data with relative date options when the date rolls over (224124)
Release Date: 12 October 2023
Minitab Connect 7.4.5 provides an update to the alerting system for control charts along with important bug fixes and connector updates.
New Features in Minitab Connect 7.4.5
- Control Chart Batch Alerts - You now receive alerts for any points you affect after you add new data or modify existing data. Previously you only received alerts based on the last point in the chart.
Problems Resolved in Minitab Connect 7.4.5
Dun & Bradstreet Connector - Update connector to address connection issues.
Dropbox Connector fix. (186561)
File import fix. (186583)
Duplicated archived record log. (225985)
Release Date: 3 October 2023
Minitab Connect 7.4.4 provides important bug fixes and connector updates.
Problems Resolved in Minitab Connect 7.4.4
Gmail Connector - Added an additional option to the Gmail connector that allows links to supported file types(csv, excel, txt, openxml, zip, 7zip, bzip, gzip) found in the body of an email to be imported.
Dashboard cannot be shared using restricted token. (225222)
Release Date: 20 September 2023
Minitab Connect 7.4.3 provides important bug fixes.
Problems Resolved in Minitab Connect 7.4.3
Google DV360 Connector - ability to be able to pull in data from different reports on refresh.
SharePoint Connector - The connector is being expanded to support pulling in multiple files at once, being able to bring in files dynamically by the user inputting a string that will pull in any files that include the string in the filename, and the option to move files that have been imported into a "Historic" folder in SharePoint with the date the file was processed appended to the filename.
Instances where dashboards are refreshing entire browser tab every 20 seconds. (186536)
Dashboard is stuck refreshing for Monitor User. (224436)
Certain API Requests returning errors. (186490)
Monitor User is randomly logged out. (186494)
Some Dashboard Assets revert to blank state when updating for Monitor User. (186496)
Some jobs with certain tasks object repeatedly failing to run. (223674)
Release Date: 23 August 2023
Minitab Connect 7.4.1 provides important bug fixes.
Problems Resolved in Minitab Connect 7.4.1
Line Chart not loading with All Decimal 0.00 in Metric column. (TT186472)
Error when export to Minitab with Pre_agg filter with certain characters. (221994)
Release Date: 22 August 2023
Minitab Connect 7.4.0 provides important bug fixes.
New Features in Minitab Connect 7.4.0
Display Data Source for Dashboard Assets - When in Edit mode, the Dashboard displays the name of the table or data view used to create the asset.
Control Chart Alerts Update - Connect now only sends an alert if the last point on a control chart is out of control or out of spec. Previously Connect sent an alert when any point was out of control or out of spec.
Allow filter query parameters - Allow user to use an initial filter based off a query param
Must be JSON
source & filters are required, filters must be an array
If field isn't in the JSON defaults to sys_id
If value isn't in the JSON defaults to NULL
If cond isn't in the JSON defaults to 'eq'
source has to be the same guid or id as the table you want the filters to run on an example would be:
https://[host]/table/[table id]?filter={"source":"[table id]","filters":[{"field":"Subgroup","cond":"cn","value":"Group A"},{"field":"Measurement","cond":"cn","value":"157"}]}
Deprecating feature: HTML Field Type - This field is primarily used for the creation of buttons and will be replaced by Link field type that was released on June 19th (7.3.2) or with the combination of Link field type and filter query parameters for more precise data views.
Problems Resolved in Minitab Connect 7.4.0
V2 API deprecation – Legacy API, no longer used/supported. Removed.
New Job Daemon – Optimized for Managed environment with support for horizontal scalability.
Google Ads v 14 - Update to Google Ads API V14, SDK v19.2.
MSS Compute Service – Performance optimization.
Deprecated: Email Connector – Unused connector, removed.
Archive Record Log - Offload historic data to separate table to improve responsiveness of recent logs.
Bug with Multi-Column index function and from table process. (186284)
Odata Files Not Cleaning Up. (186327)
Monitor User Log outs. (186467)
Dashboard Slicers incorrectly interpret data as exponents. (185978)
Dashboard will not load old table views. (186434)
Cannot expand a column that has name with certain input. (178363)
Cannot export as MWX file when sorting/filtering field with MSS unsupported characters. (211905)
Model Ops: Error when a predictor is not mapped in a scoring request. (212575)
Model Ops: Requiring obs ID now sends a response code instead of a message - unknown error occurred. (212576)
Model Ops: Cannot map custom SQL fields to predictors. (212577)
Data view does not render after updating data. (213917)
Access field in Permissions modal is not marked as required. (215082)
Histogram tooltip and legend does not display properly. (215788)
New Collection shows up in Window Switcher as New [Workspace] . (215984)
Record Audit: adding a note will reset the date if user timezone is different from server TZ. (216473)
Add Prep view max length limit to 46. (216678)
Password field in File Importer Locations is not marked as required. (216711)
Phone field in Account Settings modal is marked as required. (216928)
Model Ops: Export table template should not export original valid API key for Model Ops Stability. (216938)
Creating a Google Ads report and including all metrics doesn't allow the user to specify a date range. (217847)
'Refresh DB Permission' does not need to be run in managed. (218300)
Record Log Start Date Input not updating after inputting value. (220080)
Export to Minitab does not work with post_agg filter if field name has MSS unsupported characters. (221276)
Asset Cards will briefly display the all data filtered message whenever the Date Slicer is edited. (196618)
No warning when deleting a slicer with variable(s) assigned. (197429)
Analysis Warning message disappears when Auto-Update is enabled. (200383)
Time Series Plot with Percent Y values is not working correctly when using navigator with missing values at the end of a column. (201714)
Dashboard: Improved stability of EWMA Chart. (207051)
Filtered output not retained in Focus Mode if auto-update occurs. (209667)
CAPA/NNCAPA: Focus should be placed on the Close button when opening View All Stats link. (212206)
Safari: RangeError when using Select All option in Category Slicer. (212347)
Missing Cpm value always appears on the initial CAPA graph even when Target is not specified. (212595)
Standard Users can create restricted tokens to share a V2 Dashboard. (212844)
Errors opening some large dashboard after data update. (213814)
Caching issue in User name with Get Count for Table job on V2 Dashboard. (216324)
Removing one data view used by slicer does not reset the slicer to default state. (216958)
Data views get removed when auto-updating very large dashboard (1M Rows/10 Columns/2 Views). (218037)
Missing can appear twice in category slicer for Numeric and Date/time fields. (219040)
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