Minitab Statistical Software

Visualize, analyze, and harness the power of your data to solve your toughest business challenges from anywhere on the cloud.

Harness the power of statistics

Data is everywhere, but are you truly taking advantage of yours? Minitab Statistical Software can look at current and past data to discover trends, find and predict patterns, uncover hidden relationships between variables, and create stunning visualizations to tackle even the most daunting challenges and opportunities.

With powerful statistics, industry-leading data analytics, and dynamic visualizations on your side, the possibilities are endless.


Regardless of statistical background, Minitab empowers all parts of an organization to predict better outcomes, design better products, and improve processes to generate higher revenues and reduce costs. Only Minitab offers a unique, integrated approach by providing software and services that drive business excellence from anywhere with the cloud.

Key statistical tests include t tests, one and two proportions, normality test, chi-square, and equivalence tests.

Access new levels of productivity and collaboration, whether you are using Minitab on your desktop or the cloud. See how >


Partner with Minitab on your analytics journey

Partner with Minitab on your analytics journey

Measurement System Analysis

  • Gage studies
  • Attribute agreement analysis

Control Charts

  • Variable, attribute
  • Multivariate
  • Time weighted
  • Rare event charts

Capability Analysis

  • Capability Sixpack

Acceptance Sampling
Tolerance Intervals

Get the most out of Minitab with these resources.

Grow Your Skills

Education Hub

Access analytical training and education from an easy-to-use web-based platform.

On-site or Virtual Training

Gain insight into your data and improve your abilities with courses guided by expert statisticians.

Statistical Consulting

Let our statistical consultants help you solve your quality improvement problems.

Ready to discover Minitab Statistical Software?

Free Trial or Purchase Now

Start your Solutions Analytics™ journey today with a free trial of select Minitab products! Access all the powerful capabilities, latest enhancements, and new features that Minitab has to offer with each trial.


Access the help you need to use our software from representatives who are knowledgeable in statistics, quality improvement, and computer systems.