
* New or Improved
- Measurement systems analysis
- Capability analysis
- Graphical analysis
- Hypothesis tests
- Regression
- Control charts
- Graph Builder*
- Tabulated statistics*
- Pareto Chart*
- Binned scatterplots, boxplots, bubble plots, bar charts, correlograms, dotplots, heatmaps, histograms, matrix plots, parallel plots, scatterplots, time series plots, etc.
- Contour and rotating 3D plots
- Probability and probability distribution plots
- Automatically update graphs as data change
- Brush graphs to explore points of interest
Basic Statistics
- Descriptive statistics
- One-sample Z-test, one- and two-sample t-tests, paired t-test
- One and two proportions tests
- One- and two-sample Poisson rate tests
- One and two variances tests
- Correlation and covariance
- Normality test
- Outlier test
- Poisson goodness-of-fit test
- Cox regression
- Linear regression
- Nonlinear regression
- Binary, ordinal and nominal logistic regression
- Stability studies
- Partial least squares
- Orthogonal regression
- Poisson regression
- Plots: residual, factorial, contour, surface, etc.
- Stepwise: p-value, AICc, and BIC selection criterion
- Best subsets
- Response prediction and optimization
- Model validation
- Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines
Analysis of Variance
- General linear models
- Mixed models
- Multiple comparisons
- Response prediction and optimization
- Test for equal variances
- Plots: residual, factorial, contour, surface, etc.
- Analysis of means
Measurement Systems Analysis
- Data collection worksheets
- Gage R&R Crossed
- Gage R&R Nested
- Gage R&R Expanded
- Gage run chart
- Gage linearity and bias
- Type 1 Gage Study
- Attribute Gage Study
- Evaluate Measurement Process (EMP Crossed)*
- Attribute agreement analysis
Quality Tools
- Run chart
- Pareto chart
- Cause-and-effect diagram
- Variables control charts: XBar, R, S, XBar-R, XBar-S, I, MR, I-MR, I-MR-R/S, zone, Z-MR
- Attributes control charts: P, NP, C, U, Laney P’ and U’
- Time-weighted control charts: MA, EWMA, CUSUM
- Multivariate control charts: T2, generalized variance, MEWMA
- Rare events charts: G and T
- Historical/shift-in-process charts
- Box-Cox and Johnson transformations
- Individual distribution identification
- Process capability: normal, non-normal, attribute, batch
- Nonparametric capability analysis*
- Automated capability analysis*
- Process Capability Sixpack™
- Tolerance intervals
- Acceptance sampling and OC curves
- Multi-Vari chart
- Variability chart
Design of Experiments
- Definitive screening designs
- Plackett-Burman designs
- Two-level factorial designs
- Split-plot designs
- General factorial designs
- Response surface designs
- Mixture designs
- D-optimal and distance-based designs
- Taguchi designs
- User-specified designs
- Analyze binary responses
- Analyze variability for factorial designs
- Botched runs
- Effects plots: normal, half-normal, Pareto
- Response prediction and optimization
- Plots: residual, main effects, interaction, cube, contour, surface, wireframe
- Parametric and nonparametric distribution analysis
- Goodness-of-fit measures
- Exact failure, right-, left-, and interval-censored data
- Accelerated life testing
- Regression with life data
- Test plans
- Threshold parameter distributions
- Repairable systems
- Multiple failure modes
- Probit analysis
- Weibayes analysis
- Plots: distribution, probability, hazard, survival
- Warranty analysis
Power and Sample Size
- Sample size for estimation
- Sample size for tolerance intervals
- One-sample Z, one- and two-sample t
- Paired t
- One and two proportions*
- One- and two-sample Poisson rates
- One and two variances
- Equivalence tests
- One-Way ANOVA
- Two-level, Plackett-Burman and general full factorial designs
- Power curves
Predictive Analytics
- Automated Machine Learning
- Binary Logistic Regression
- CART® Classification
- CART® Regression
- Linear Regression
- Random Forests® Classification
- Random Forests® Regression
- TreeNet® Classification
- TreeNet® Regression
- Principal components analysis
- Factor analysis
- Discriminant analysis
- Cluster analysis
- Correspondence analysis
- Item analysis and Cronbach’s alpha
- Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines
Time Series and Forecasting
- Time series plots
- Trend analysis
- Decomposition
- Moving average
- Exponential smoothing
- Winters’ method
- Auto-, partial auto-, and cross correlation functions
- Box-Cox Transformation*
- Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test*
- Forecast with Best ARIMA Model*
- Sign test
- Wilcoxon test
- Mann-Whitney test
- Kruskal-Wallis test
- Mood’s median test
- Friedman test
- Runs test
Equivalence Tests
- One- and two-sample, paired 2x2 crossover design
- Chi-square, Fisher’s exact, and other tests
- Chi-square goodness-of-fit test
- Tally and cross tabulation
Simulations and Distributions
- Random number generator
- Probability density, cumulative distribution, and inverse cumulative distribution functions
- Random sampling
- Bootstrapping and randomization tests
Macros and Customization
- Customizable menus and toolbars
- Extensive preferences and user profiles
- Powerful scripting capabilities
- Python integration
- R integration